Finally,I have got round to doing this post. It will be my 2nd Blogaversary on 11th July so I am doing some candy. Now I have a few things already but not everything but be assured there will be some clear stamp sets and a crafting CD rom in the prize.
This is my way of saying thank you to everyone who has visited me in that time and left me the most uplifting and beautiful comments.
I have been on some fantastic teams and made some wonderful friends. The crafting community is the most generous, inspirational and supportive bunch of people you could ever wish to know.
Please keep it up everyone!!!!1
1. Please complete Mr Linky below (hopefully I have done this right but if not just leave a comment!)
2. Please advertise the candy in a post or on your sidebar - the more the merrier. (Edited at 16.06 1/7/11)
3. If you would like to follow me that would be wonderful BUT only if you want to DON'T follow then leave me - it makes me feel so rejected!!!
4. The candy will run until 21st July 9pm (GMT).
5. The winner will be announced on 22nd July some time during the day!!!
6. Enjoy!!!!

i am already a follower, thanks for offering the candy, good luck everyone x
That is such a pretty box, congratulations on your 2nd Blogaversary.
Pam x
Fabulous Giveaway Dragonlady. Everyone loves surprises. I am already a follower and I have just linked your giveaway to my sidebar. Thanks for the chance
Hugs, Rosalee
Awwww! Thanks for the chance! I've popped a link on my sidebar :-) Love 'n' hugs, Mel xx
Love your designs have been away from my blog for a while . Thanks for a chance of candy.Hugs Vicky x
Congrats on 2 years of blogging! You're fabulous!
Oops, entered twice.
OMG! Can it really have been two years already. The time seems to have flown by doesn't it??? Of course I am a follower and AS IF I'd EVER leave!!!!
Will post on my sidebar ASAP - as soon as t'internet will let me! LOL
Big hugs good buddy
Dawn xxx
Congrats on 2 years of fab blogging and thanks for the chance to win a surprise candy. I'm already a follower and off to post in my sidebar. I have a little candy too. Marianne x
Congrats Ali! I'm already a follower and I've posted your candy on my sidebar! Thanks for the chance to win!
Happy 2 year Blogaversary! Thanks for a chance to win!
Congratulations for your 2nd Blogaversary. Love your designs and your inspiration also loving your eye candy as well as your candy - LOL :)
Thanks for the chance to win, I love ALL stamps, no discriminating here !! Have a wonderful day!
Congratulations on your 2nd Blogaversary Ali, wow that went quick.
Hugs Linda
Congrats on your blogaverary. I'd like to be a follower, but it won't pop up. Might be my computer-hade trouble with it all day. I posted your candy on my blog.
I posted your candy on my blog and am a follower. Not sure if my first msg will post-sorry computer problems.
i keep leaving comments, having problems with it. sorry if you get a few from me---
Thanks for the chance to win! 2 years is quite an achievement! :)
Thanks for a chance to win and keep on blogging, hun! xx
Hey hey, thanks for inviting me to participate in your candy draw...i'm crossing my fingers...appreciate the comment you left on my blog...many thanks
I am a new follower and I will post your candy to my side bar. How wonderful you are celebrating 2 yrs. Thanks for the chance to win.
Thanks for the chance to win and congrats on the 2-year achievement! I put the candy pic with a link on my sidebar.
Hugs from Finland, Eemeli
Thank you for letting me know about your candy. Your candy has been added in the Blog Candies section at Feline Playful! Hope you get lots of traffic via Feline Playful blog!
thsnk you for the invite - I am thrilled to play along! I have linked your YUMBLY Candy to my Blog:
Thanks again - I am enjoying being a follower - a quiet one, but still a follower! LOL! {{{hugs}}}
Congrats on your 2 bloggaversary! And of course, thanks for the chance to win a surpize!
xxx Ani
I wanted to become you new follower but can't find the tab. Actually I've been having some tech problems with blogger recently and I just either can't see or can't use the Follow Me tab on people pages.
Thank you for letting me know about your candy, and thank you for the lovely chance to win! Hugs Kobie
Thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. Thank you for inviting me to yours and to join in the chance to win your candy. I would love to follow but that link seems to have been hidden for a moment. My follower link disappears quite often so I will return and try again. I agree with your point of following only to leave. Does make one wonder why they left as I have had a few do that too. HAPPY 2nd BLOGAVERSARY! I know you will be followed a long time with your awesome creations! Hugs, Moshie
Happy 2nd aniversary!
Thanks for the oppertunity to win some delicious candy!
Marianne (Mail)
i have posted your candy in my sidebar xxxx it looks fab xxx i will become a follower when blogger let's me xxxx
I totally agree with everything you say about the crafting community!!
Great blog hun and super cards thanks for the chance to win a candy surprise
Hi Dragonlady
I just became the newest follower of your great blog, I love your cards ,, so pretty ,, thanks for the chance to win, I posted your candy on my sidebar.. :)
cheers :0)
congratulations on your two year two year dosent time fly Ali, your candy is yummy and thanks for the chance to win
Mina xxx
I thought I was already following hon. Put it down to a senior moment. I'm following now. Happy Blogaversary sweetie.
Suzi x
I've been trying to put your candy link on my side bar but it won't save, so I've just done a little post instead!
Happy Blogaversary!!
I have popped your lovely box of candy on my blog.
Thanks for the chance :)
where is Mr. Linky??
i couldnt find it...
pls link me...yourself or this comment will be enough??
i m posting it on my sidebar :)
Thanks for the offer of the suprise candy, suprises are great!! have posted in my side bar. Good luck everyone!
Oooohhh I love surprises
thanks for the chance
Love Jan
Hi Ali, congratulations and happy blogaversary :-)
I've added a link to my sidebar, thanks for the chance to win
Claire xx
Hi Ali, congrats on your 2nd blogoversary. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving me such lovely comments. I've added a pic/link in my sidebar. Hugs, Denise x
Thanks for the chance to win, what a pretty box! Congratulations on your 2 year anniversary xx
Thank you for the chance to enter Ali. I have followed you for quite some time, but I know too well that I don't comment often enough but I do still look.
I always feel disheartened when followers leave, and even more so if it's after a candy!
Ok, I'm off to put it on my blog.
Love Elaine xxx
That pretty box is very enticing :) Congrats on 2 years of blogging and I hope you have 22 more in the future!! You rock Lyn!
Thanks for the chance. I think I did everything you asked. LOL Will keep my fingers crossed! Congratulatins on the 2nd blogging year.
I am now a follower. I have posted your wonderful candy on my blog. Looks yummy!!! Happy blog a versary! :O) Hugs! Leah Ann
Ali, congrat's on your 2nd year blogging, you are such a big inspiration for me (MISS YOU!) :)
Happy 2nd blogaversary Ali!
Thanks for the chance to win
thanks for the candy!
Happy 2nd Blogoversary!!!
Thanks for the Chance to Win !
Now A Follower....
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