Yes folks its here and I have got some gorgeous images to show you today on the last day of our New Release. I was, to say the least, stunned to be asked to be a DT member for this new venture. The fabulous digi stamps have been designed by the very talented
Michelle and the best place to see these images I hear you say -
The Rusty Pickles Digital Delights Shop of course. There are plenty there some of which I have already used. I just love digi stamps because you can flip them and resize them - ideal. You can also use them on many different mediums - candles, shrink plastic to name a few. The releases have been on Monday Tuesday and today so if you have missed anything scroll down for the names of my other team members and have a look - not forgetting to comment!!!!
I am showing off two of the images from the new Baby Release, firstly I would like to show you the Teddy. If you check out the site you will see I have flipped him to lean against the number one. Here is a close up for more detail.
He is coloured using water colour pencils and the 1 and the sentiment were painted using H2O's and glitter.
My next sneaky peak is the Rattle and again I have resized this one as you can see!
Have you noticed I like glitter too. The ribbon was a freebie and I have used it all up!!! The DP is from Funky Fairy's and the frame is a Chris Warner special. Here I printed the image on to blue card then highlighted areas and glittered the band. The sentiment is from Funky Hand.
My next card was not really an after thought but more showing how you can mix the images on one card.

Also you can see I have flipped the rattles. More glitter card and ribbon from my stash. Here is a close up for you.
This is the last day of the FIRST EVER RUSTY PICKLES RELEASE so I hope you have visited all my team mates to see their Sneaky Peaks, if not here is a list of their names and links to their blogs
Heather DT Co-ordinator
Jacqui and
New Release Prizes
Now if you would like to win the GRAND PRIZE of the Baby release and 3 other images of your choice, or the SECOND PRIZE of the whole new release you need to do the following:-
Comment on all the Design Teams Sneaky Peak posts and become a follower of the
The Rusty Pickles Digital Delights Shop and also leave a comment here.
If you fancy 3 extra chances of winning the GRAND PRIZE do a quick post on your blog linking to
The Rusty Pickles Digital Delights Shop and mention the sneeky peaks and the prize that could be won.
On Wednesday evening I will pick one commenter from this post to win the Teddy image and one to win the Rattle image. Don't forget to come back on Thursday when I will let you know the winners.
Hope you have enjoyed our first Sneaky Peaks. There will be more coming up soon - guaranteed to be as fabulous as this one.